The morning started off great with using the utility tractor and mowing for 3 hours! I do love mowing! (And yes Rehm family, it all started with mowing with you all years ago!)
Then it was off to Remsen to visit college classmate Carol and her husband Greg Law. Upon arriving I got to jump right in and help in the making of salsa! Another first! Great time of catching up on each others lives as we cut up onions, peppers, garlic (tomatoes were already done). Then it was off LeMars to dinner and a concert by The Brown Family with tonight’s theme Oh, My Iowa (all the music was about Iowa, some that came from Iowa or connected to Iowa). Such a fun relaxing evening! Another new experience! If I were in the area I’d love to another concert: patriotic, Gospel hymns, Celtic, Christmas. Check them out! (Did you know LeMars is the ice cream capital of the world? True fact! It’s where they make Blue Bunny ice cream and “used to” make Butter Brickle my favorite!
After the concert I then had an hour plus drive back to the farm…but it was nearly a full moon so lovely drive!
Opps! Before leaving for Carol’s I helped shuck a few ears of corn for Tom and Joni to put up some freezer corn. Tom had quite the setup outside: corn started in a cooler, put in boiling water heated on the grill, moved to a tub with cold water coming up from the bottom, drains the warmer water off the top for an initial cooling, then moved to a cooler with ice water, finally to a cookie rack and covered with a tea towel. Once process was completed, moved inside for cutting off the cob and bagging. (Couldn’t cut it off the cob outside, way too many flies!)
Karol - you do remember my dad was born/raised in LeMars, right?! I visited with your mom once and then went back when I went to the Kloster family reunion!! Anyway, just FYI. Been there, done that!!