Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sept 12 Day of Driving

It was a day of driving but not yet to a new destination, this was for getting my labs! Though I managed to talk my oncologist to postponing my 3 month scheduled CT scan I was not successful in delaying my C125 blood draw which needed to be at a Lab Corp. Yes they are nationwide but the closest were 3 1/2 hours away either Lincoln Nebraska or Des Moines Iowa. I chose Lincoln! Left the farm at 6:30am, arrived Lab Corp 10:15 and by 10:30 was finished! Began my return to the farm with a few stops including Dow City to spend the afternoon and supper with dear friends Carol and Paul Rehm. It was a time to catch up on their recent cruise to Alaska and enjoy fellowship together. And…a delicious meal of potatoes, zucchini, onions and sausage all wrapped in foil and put on the grill for 45 minutes. Delicious!

Loved the drive today which was often on back roads to see the progression of the crops, many near Dow City were being harvested, while up near Albert City they are just getting started.

Left Albert City in the dark and returned after dark! Days are definitely getting shorter!

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