Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sept 13 - Quiet Day on the Farm

 With 7-8 hours of driving yesterday I decided to stay near the farm today. Loaded the car topper and its contents as I begin to anticipate the next leg of my cross country journey which will begin Sunday. Spent time organizing and reorganizing bags, containers etc. visited the AC. Post office for the last time this trip , I hope.  For 2 hours in the morning picked 6 pints of raspberries, then washed them, flash froze them and finally bagged them. Wiped down the door jams of all the gravel road dust, actually most of the interior of the car! Late afternoon went into town for a short visit with cousin Julie, then it was time for a special treat of a massage! That was much needed with all the driving the neck and upper back muscles are all tight. 

Then relaxing supper and evening with cousin Julie and Gary. Oh how I wish I lived closer to my cousins! 

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