Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sept 17 Happy Birthday Pops and Goodbye Albert City til Next Year

and A Grateful Heart for Cousins!

Today Pops would have been 102! Hard to believe he has been gone 13 years! Thankful for all the special memories!

This morning was the last day at the farm! Bitter sweet! So many great memories! It is hard to leave yet I know there are some great memories ahead! 

Breakfast was Fleskpankaka and noon lunch buffet at the Pizza Ranch! Mmm good! 

Head from Pokey to Waterloo a 2 1/2 hour drive to visit the afternoon with cousin Jim and Reatha (Jim’s dad Oliver was my dad’s oldest brother). Lovely time catching up on the afternoon, enjoyed a great supper of tender bbq ribs, coleslaw and Tom’s freezer corn! Currently their daughter and husband with their two children are living with them, he recently got a job at a church as worship lead and children / youth ministries and are looking for a home. Son Seth and family live across the street and they joined us for part of the evening. So special to connect and meet extended family.

Left about 7:30pm for a 1 1/2 hour drive to Dubuque to spend the night with cousin Miriam and Greg. (Miriam's dad Melvin is my dad’s youngest brother!) So much fun connecting with my cousins! They are the best! We chatted til 11 before calling it quits for the night, as my plan was to leave the house at 9am.

Picture below: Do you know what these are used for on the farm years ago? Each was used for a different animal. Feel free to email me your answers if you think you know. I’ll post the correct answer in a few days!

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