Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sept 18 Iowa - Illinois- Wisconsin

Today I said goodbye to the great state of Iowa, a brief 7 minute hello to Illinois and 4 hours of driving in Wisconsin to arrive at the town of Oostburg where my college roommate and dear friend Carol VerGowe Steindl (Greg) live. What a grand reunion it was as we haven’t seen each other in 45 years but picked up right where we left off! Lots of reminiscing, she has a much better memory than I do! Including confessing to eating  a majority of the pepperkakor Mom would send in the care packages I received! Later in the evening she added she helped herself to the apples Mom sent as well! Lots of laughs and sharing the lows and highs of the last 45 years! That’s a lot of words! So fun!

Pictures from today:
I saw a lot of the back of farming equipment on the road today. Followed this guy for too many miles!
#2 If you look close you will notice the leaves are “starting” to change color!
#3 Saw LOTS of cattle and dairy farms in my drive today.
#4 Miles and miles of solar panels!
#5 Walking the sand dunes of Lake Michigan 

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