Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sept 19 Exploring Oostburg & Sheboygan

Everyday an Adventure! And today lived up to that! 

First stop was Kolher Village and the headquarters for the Kohler plant where they make and distribute toilets, facets, sinks, and oh so much more. We went to the Design Center and Museum and you name it! We saw it! Including a ‘wall of toilets’, old toilets and tubs, fancy toilets and tubs, every color imaginable! Way too many choices for me to ever make a decision. A couple of fun surprises as college roommate Carol was looking closely at a toilet to have it suddenly have the lid suddenly pop up! Had some kind of a sensor and would auto lift and auto close!

Next stop was the Acuity Insurance Center where we saw the worlds largest free flying American flag! Here are a few facts: Each star is over 3 feet across and each stripe over 5 feet tall. The 9,800 square foot flag weighs over 250 pounds, hung on the tallest flag pole in continental US, 11 foot diameter at the base, takes over 500 gallons of paint to cover the pole and it can withstand 120 mph winds and -42 degrees. Obviously you can see it from quite a distance as we drove around Sheboygan.

Next stop Sheboygan pier where we walked a quarter mile out and back, a couple fisherman on the pier but no one having any success. 

Before returning home our final stop was for some ice cream for lunch! What a treat! I should have gotten a Carmel apple ice cream sundae like Carol, had a taste and it was outstanding.

Joining us for the day was Greg’s sister Renee. It was delightful to get to know her!

Then home for an afternoon of using lots of words as we continued to catch up on each others lives and share memories from our college years, as well as talk about books we were reading, life, friends and family. 

Did you know Sheboygan is the Braut capital of the world?! It’s true and in true fashion of experiencing the culture Carol and Greg hosted a Braut Fry with a few other Northwestern Alumni. A great evening of food and conversation! And then, yes, Carol and I used more  words late into the evening!

Carol and I both admitted we were a bit apprehensive before the visit after 45 years of not connecting but agreed that the connection was easy, it was as if no time had past and that yes, we could be roommates again! We agreed we couldn’t wait 45 years until our next visit!

- Wall of toilets!
- Fancy toilets!
- The t-shirt I DID NOT buy!
- World’s largest free flying American flag
- Carol and Greg in front of Greg’s “high stepping” Jeep Gladiator!

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I'm going thru photos right now, and I'm sure I have a few of you and Carol from your graduation!!
